Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety

Empowering people to speak with the help of humour and appropriate anonymous feedback options


Psychological safety is at the heart of all features in Neelix.IO platform. Our philosophy is based on the vision that creating sustainable safety is only possible through authenticity, humour and reflective thinking. Live Pulse employee engagement method is superior to any other form of surveys because it results in real-time, measurable and contextual insights. Psychological safety is rooted in a view a that "employees deserve to be heard in their own words" - embrace it and uncork the voice of employees in a way that results in constructive dialogue.

Psychological Safety Features

Humour at Workplace

In order to assist with "the belief that you won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes", Neelix has Giphy integrated as part of the reflection. 

People associate team journal entries with a measure of "impact" (positive or negative gradients) and context of themes.  Therefore, there may be no need to write extensive commentary (if any) because a picture can be worth a thousand words.

The necessary lubricant to for building a culture of smart transparency.

  • Psychological Safety and Humour

    Slide title

    Write your caption here
  • Slide title

    Write your caption here

Anonymous Feedback Options

In order to stay safe, a person can overwrite the nickname associated with the post with humour assisted tag - e.g. instead of post being visible as "created by Bob", it could be displayed as "created by a Well Wisher".

Psychological Safety and Anonymity

Peers Groups and Team Activist Reflections

It is unnecessary to expect that absolutely everyone will be providing feedback all the time. While this is a good ambitious goal, the reality is that people create their own circles. One person submitting feedback on behalf of a particular group achieves the primary goal of providing measurable and contextual data. This approach takes the pressure off and helps people work together on reflective thinking. Upvoting the feedback from others and team activist feature reduce noise whilst ensuring a wide spectrum of perspectives is captured.

Psychological Safety and Peer Support

Zero Bias Snap Health Check-In

This feature goes beyond surface-level responses, allowing individuals to express their true sentiments and share the depth and breadth of their perspectives. People have the freedom to highlight what is working well and identify areas that may need improvement without constraints.

What sets Confidence Voting apart is its emphasis on psychological safety and minimal bias. We understand that the ability to speak up is a powerful tool in fostering an open and inclusive environment. With our unique features, respondents can confidently share their thoughts, knowing that their input is valued and respected.

Confidence Voting - Snap Health Check on Employee Sentiment

Psychological Safety Insights

Get easy insights of when people did not feel safe - e.g. when "anonymous" option for feedback sharing was used. Neelix provide a simply dashboard that can:

  • analyse data across any time period and any combination of confidential spaces
  • view by themes
  • view by the team originating the feedback
  • view by teams who were mentioned in feedback
Psychological Safety Report

Benefits of Psychological Safety

Stronger Workplace Culture

Nurture values that reconcile with organizational goals

Vibrant Team Culture

Build exceptional teams, systems thinking, and cross-team alignment

Develop Embassadors

Nurture court jesters that help with challenging the status quo and group think

Creativity and New Ideas

Live Pulse is a "push" engagement model. It can uncover more actionable and systemically important ideas than the "data extraction" approach of traditional surveys.

Smart Transparency

You do not have to be radical about transparency. Develop skills for building bridges between perspectives. Give Live Pulse data points their own voice at the negotiation table.

Talent Retention

Make self-actualisation a reality. Authentic dialogue and ability to re-invent anything in the organization will win hearts and minds of your employees.

Common Challenges

“Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.“

– Jim Rohn

Vibrant organisations embrace diversity of opinions, background and promote the culture of being teachable. This applies to everyone - leaders and the grassroots.

  • Issues of safety in small teams

    "I am a specialist in accounts payable in a small team. Our company conducted a survey and asked us to share honest feedback. I cannot do that. In such a small team, I cannot provide contextual and actionable points."

    Root causes:

    • Fearing the manager of the team
    • Not wanting to put the team on the spot
    • Not wanting to be the one who calls out an issue, knowing others will try to please the boss
  • Issues of a strong headed leader

    "Everyone in our sales team is dissatisfied about the way we used to work, and unhappy about proposed changes. We do not feel that we are challenging our leaders safely - it has to do with the personalities of the managers as well as the cultural aspects of our location."

    Root causes:

    • Fearing the manager of the team
    • Not able to provide direct feedback due to cultural differences
    • Not knowing for sure how other teams feel about "my team" - e.g. unsure if others from outside see the same problems 
  • Issues of stale culture

    "I feel that team leads are forced / encouraged to 'manage up' by senior leadership. As a result, over-optimistic picture is formed across the organisation. I feel that individual feedback does not matter."

    Root causes:

    • One or few narcissistic personalities affect how senior leadership is perceived by the grassroots
    • Stale organizational culture

  • Issues of silent scepticism

    "Senior leaders and HR presented a change that they believe will significantly improve our experience or hit some OKRs. However, I believe that they are deceiving themselves. They do not know or ignore what is happening on the ground."

    Root causes:

    • Leaders, who truly understand the current issues, have missed the opportunity to sincerely acknowledge the existing feelings of the grassroots;
    • Leaders, who have middle management "managing up", are promoting a change that is missing key data points.
  • Issues of survey lag and bias

    • People cannot express how they feel in a timely manner
    • Pre-conditioned questions restrict the expression
    • There is no systemic transparency of how experiences change over time
    • Management do not have a timely way to measure a buy-into changes announced at Town Halls

The bigger picture. Your team's, project or enterprize journey

Modern organisations and teams are built around the concept of social capital (not the resources lens). 


There is always something important about a group of people coming together to achieve something great. This applies to any type of engagement - one-off projects, enterprise journeys, startups, joint ventures, educational institutions, community initiatives.


Capturing the journey is an incredible asset that should not be underestimated. Neelix Team journal is a seamless autobiographer of your story. The stream of experiences and visualisations will enrich culture, and make the next chapter starting from a solid reflective foundation.

Innovation and experimentation that fits your context

It always pays to start how you intend to finish. 


Employee blogging opens possibilities for rethinking how social capital and DNA of the team is managed. For instance, how often do exit interviews get lost in time or in HR filing system? Why not record honest insight into the team journal under a special experience category. Neelix empowers reflections through the humour and context of your teams. Confidentiality options encourage openness.


The trick here is to avoid the chores. There is no need for micro blogging. Also, there is no need for 100% participation. 

Gamified reflections

Experience posts, where other people are tagged, flow into the Experiences Board. This gamified board can be configured to reflect any theme. Go beyond the simple "thank you" recognition. For instance, recognise persistent pattern that the team should resolve themselves. For instance, "I owe everyone a donuts for being late to catch-ups". Don't forget to inject own humour.

Neelix Experiences Board seamless translates posts into a gamified board that goes beyond simple thank you's. It is possible to deal with other more challenging and persistent challenges that normally get lost in water-cooler behind the back discussions.

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