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Webinar : Effective Transparency at Workplace

Neelix IO Pty Ltd • Jan 03, 2023

25 Nov - 9 Dec, 2022

Webinar : Paths Towards Effective Transparency


  • How the concept of immutable transparency fits within team vibrancy and talent retention strategies
  • ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) trends related to transparency
  • Pathways for introducing “push feedback” whilst achieving psychological safety
  • Use case about “Live Pulse” achieving systemic positive change
  • How Neelix.IO capabilities integrate into existing ways of working without creating new overheads
  • How Neelix.IO complies with modern data security enterprise requirements

At the end of Webinar, we provide a pack that will help your organization with making a fully informed decision about the benefits of “Live Pulse” feedback flow and Neelix.IO offering.

Thank you all who participated!

Contact us if you would a free lunch-and-learn re-run of the webinar.

Effective Transparency at Workplace


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