Innovative conversation tool that cuts through the noise with a simple snap reflection on maturity curve, organizational behavior of your teams, and needs and wants of people.
Voting wizard steps team members through four easy steps that reveal organizational behavior themes. Neelix provides a safe way for people to state what they what to happen vs what is happening in reality. Resulting matrix is invaluable for identifying areas where mentorship is required and where agreed expectations are simply not met. This insight provides an honest and grassroots driven acknowledgement of where conflicts may reside. Acknowledgement is the gate for journey of re-alignment.
The Fundamentals of team maturity journey were outlined in The Wisdom of Teams book, by Jon Katzenbach and his co-author Douglas K. Smith. The research is a practical guide into "understanding what lessons actual teams and nonteams had for others who choose to struggle with change and performance".
Neelix's approach to smart transparency links the observation of how teams perform to issues of talent retention, team culture, and organizational behavior.
Resolve talent retention systematically by putting employees into the driving seat, and by reducing reliance on discreet surveys.