Hearts and Minds Check-In

Talent Retention Analytics

The Hearts and Minds Check-In

Easy and psychologically safe way of getting a measure of how people see their future with your team or organization

We offer a unique approach that is based on the concept of understanding trajectory of employee feelings

How It Works

Employee post three timeline data points with a measure of feeling and attributed themes:

  • At the start of the journey - this data point measures aspirations, expectations and hope at the time when the person joined the team or organisation.
  • Today's experience - a measurable insights into today's experiences and underpinning themes.
  • Sentiment about the future - a measurable expression of how long they see themselves staying and what themes are affecting the sentiment.

Easy Insights

Posted reflections are visualised via two charts:

  • Trends chart that depicts a general direction and shape of talent retention that can be viewed by individual team or across the organization; Gain insights into peaks and troughs.
  • Themes diagram showing changes in context over time - for example, people may have had very positive feelings about a particular context when they joined the team, but they may see the future as less rosy in the future.

Talent retention survey
  • Talent Retention analytics

    Slide title

    Talent retention trend and shape

  • Talent retention analytics

    Slide title

    Talent retention themes across time

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