Collaborate With Partners

Development of Agile Teams With Effective Outcomes | Neelix Feedback Platform

Successful Project Delivery and Joint Venture Initiatives

If you are on a joint delivery journey, then it pays to embrace smart transparency from day one. Start how you intend to finish. Joint deliveries are only successful if, at the end, "partners" do not turn into vendors and scapegoats.

Bring All Partners Inside the Feedback Loop

Neelix Platform make collaboration easy through the concept of Consortium. Each participating organisation can have administrators, manage applicable users and be billed only for own users.

Neelix is integration with Slack and MS Teams. User can push feedback with minimal drag:

  • ongoing experiences
  • retrospective feedback
  • time capsule messages
  • confidence votes

The Concept

Neelix Feedback Platform provides rails for cultural alignment.

Measurable and humour assisted feedback loop can be your Chief Morale Officer that resolves differences in perspectives. The common gotcha is to have a strong belief that "I know better". This is one of those assumptions that is the mother of many unpleasant things. Smart transparency short circuits issues by recognising them early and offers a conduit for a conversation. Data does not suffer from the loss of face.

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “ – Mark Twain

  • Slide title

    Joint journal 


Build Effective Cross Partner Coordination

Neelix Feedback Platform is designed for smart transparency and sustainable, scale-able agile as the end goal. Choose your own pace for experiencing benefits of transparency.

Neelix works at any spectrum of best agile patterns - Scrum, Kanban, Lean and others. Use Neelix in any context - individual teams, projects, programs of work or joint ventures.

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